

Like smoking, alcohol abuse is more common in people with psoriasis than the general public. And, like smoking, there is no solid evidence to explain the correlation. It may be that increased alcohol intake can lead to psoriasis, or that having a chronic disease like psoriasis may lead people to increase their intake. It may even be a combination of those two explanations, with people developing psoriasis because of their alcohol abuse and then continuing to drink heavily as a way to cope with the condition.

Whatever the reason, people with psoriasis are more likely to abuse alcohol, and it may be contributing to their psoriasis, and even making it worse—among other potential physical and social consequences. For example, some medications for psoriasis can affect your liver, and you may be asked to cut out alcohol altogether. If this is the case, and you fear you will be unable to give up alcohol, have an honest conversation with your doctor about this.

Reduce your alcohol consumption

With the above issues in mind, it makes sense to consider greatly reducing your intake of alcohol if you have psoriasis, and even to try cutting it out of your life completely. Again, your doctor is an excellent resource for support and ideas to help you change your relationship to alcohol, so don’t be shy if you are ready to make that change—ask for help.